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What Makes a Great Soccer Referee? A Quick Guide

In the world of soccer it has always been said that the players are the protagonists but there is another main actor who is irreplaceable, the referee. The figure of the referee has always been denounced by players and fans but without his presence the games would be meaningless. As judges of this sport, they try to impart justice but, …

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When Does The Referee Stop The Clock in a Soccer Game?

As a long time soccer enthusiast, I have always thought about why the clock in soccer games seem to never stop. It might be something hard to understand for fans of other sports like Basketball and American Football where there countless rules that talk about how time should be managed during the game. So, when does the referee stop the …

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Why The Best Soccer Players Wear 10? The Sacred Number

The jersey #10 gives prestige, class, sense of superiority to the players that wear it. It is probably the most respected number in the history of soccer. I remember when I was only 11 years old and my coach decided to give me the 10. I felt like it was a prize for me, everyone even congratulated me for having …

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Why Women Earn Less than Men in Soccer? A Fair Comparison

A while back whenever you logged onto the internet, your feed was bombarded with phrases such as “equal pay”, “wage gap”, “we want money”. Now that the topic cooled off a little it’s my job to do a nicely constructed analysis. You can tell from the title that we’re going to be talking about a topic that divides opinion. However, …

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How Did Soccer Originate? History of the Game

Association football is the most popular sport on earth; watched and played by millions, if not billions of people every weekend. It’s a sport which can make the world stand still, stop wars, and rock all nations. The history of football and a few subjects gets my juices flowing quite as much. So, in this post, we have set the …

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Why are Soccer Players Paid So Much?

In sports, we’ve all seen a considerable increase in how much athletes are getting paid. Particularly in soccer, it seems scary, and sometimes qualified as unethical, the colossal amounts of money that are being transferred both for buying players and then to pay for those player’s salaries. When we see Forbe’s best-paid athletes of 2020, we notice that 3 out …

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Why Soccer Players Are So Dramatic and Fake Injuries?

Anyone that has seen a soccer game in their life has immediately noticed that soccer players seem very dramatic and tend to excessively exaggerate normal fouls. We’ve all seen players roll in the grass while they shout desperately for help, and suddenly, 5 minutes later, stand up and keep playing as nothing has happened. For this reason, soccer players are …

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6 Reasons Why Soccer is not Popular in the United States

Soccer is by far the most popular sport  in the planet. It’s played in every single continent and country worldwide. However, every time I go to the United States I ask myself why soccer is not the most popular sport for americans? In fact, they don’t even call it football, as the rest of the world calls it. I did …

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What’s the Difference Between SG and FG Soccer Cleats?

Each time I am going to buy a new pair of soccer cleats I always make sure I get the correct outsole for the surface I am playing at. In this way, I prevent injuries from bad chosen soccer cleats. However, the hardest time I have when buying soccer cleats is when I have to pick between soft and firm …

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Complete Guide to Choose the Perfect Soccer Position for You

Choosing the correct soccer position can be a nightmare for most soccer players. We’ve all been through the struggle of not knowing what position to pick. During my years playing soccer, I’ve tried every position in the field, from goalkeeper to striker, and it was still hard for me to choose one over another. I decided to do this guide …