Every day I ask the question to myself: How can I become a better soccer player and be closer to becoming a professional? It is then when it came to my mind the following thought: How am I supposed to be the best player out there if I keep doing the same things that my teammates, and everyone else is …
13 Tips To Avoid Blisters from Soccer Cleats
We’ve all been through it. We are happily playing soccer when we start to feel a little pain in our feet. The pain gets bigger and bigger, and suddenly, we didn’t even realize when we had a new blister. Blisters are the most annoying injury in soccer, so I decided to make some research to know what causes them and …
Costs of Playing Club Soccer and How to Play for Less Money
A couple of days ago I was asking myself how much I have spent in soccer through my life. Definitely it has been a lot of money for youth soccer, and I’m sure that I’m not alone. The youth sports world is a 15.3 billion dollar industry in the United States. In fact, soccer has boomed during the last years …
How Dangerous is Soccer? With Real Stats and Comparisons
I noticed it is a common question among people who are interested in starting to play soccer to know if it is a dangerous sport. Or maybe you are a parent and you want your son or daughter to start playing soccer but you want to know if it is too risky for him or her. I’ ve been playing …
18 Qualities a Great Captain Must Have for Soccer
Being called a team captain is a big responsibility. It is an honor to be one, as you represent all your teammates, fans, and all people inside and outside the field. If you want to be a team captain just to brag about it, use the captain’s band and call a coin toss, then I guarantee you will never be …
14 Skills Needed to be a Great Forward in Soccer
Some years ago, I was at a soccer camp in Florida named IMG Academy. I remember that all the kids from the camp were very excited because one team with recognized players had come to train for a week in the academy. The team was the recently created New York City FC. In that team featured great players at that …
16 Tricks you Should Use to Play Soccer in the Rain
I am from Panama, a country where it rains about 9 months during the year. Rain is something super normal in here, and something everyone has to adapt to, including us, the soccer players. Unlike other indoor sports like Basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, and others, a soccer game’s conditions can be seriously affected by climate conditions such as: heat, wind, …
21 Tips to Prepare for a Soccer Game
Looking through my daily routine at soccer trainings every week, I’ve found that I started to follow some specific habits that I have never done before that have significantly improve my performance at my soccer games during the weekends. To become a better player and destroy at soccer games in the weekend it isn’t necesary to have all the things …
When Should Kids Pick a Soccer Position? 9 Cases from Pros
When kids start playing soccer, their coaches and parents are desperate of finding the ideal position for them. Picking a soccer position for kids is not a process that should be hurried. In fact, many soccer players don’t even have an established-unchangeable position. So, when should kids pick a position? It is not a good idea to force kids to …
Best Soccer Positions for Short Players: 23 player examples
If you searched this topic because you want to play soccer, but you are not too sure about it because you are very short… I’ve got some very good news for you! I would dare to say that soccer/football is the only contact sport in which being tall doesn’t give you an advantage of any type (except for some positions). …